Green Cards
Are you interested in permanent residence in the United States? Our skilled team of lawyers will walk you through every step of the green card process and help you file for permanent residence today!
Talk To A LawyerWhat are Green cards?
A Green Card or a Permanent Resident Card allows an immigrant to legally live and work in the United States permanently. A Green Card holder has a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status and can travel and return to the US. Securing a Green Card or LPR status is usually the first step to becoming a US citizen. However, it is important to note that an immigrant may be a LPR resident indefinitely and there is no specific requirement for LPRs to petition for their US citizenship. It is important to note that not all LPR status is not permanent for all Green Card holders; there are some potential variations and LPR stipulations depending on the applicant and eligibility category. LPRs also cannot remain outside of the US for an unlimited time period. In addition, certain actions, crimes, and/or meeting other grounds for deportation can also result in a loss of the Green Card. Green Card holders also do not receive the all of the same benefits and resources as US citizens and there are additional restrictions that LPRs face. Individuals who intend to apply for a Green Card should consult an experienced immigration attorney to discuss the specifics of their application and potential status restrictions and benefits.
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