K-1 fiancé(e) visa holders traveling to the United States for the purpose of marrying their U.S. fiancé(e) may decide to get a Social Security Number (SSN) after they have arrived in the U.S. They may apply for an SSN immediately after entering the U.S. with a K-1 visa, even if they haven’t yet gotten married. Or, foreign fiancés(es) can do so after marrying their U.S. spouse. As K-1 visas are only valid for 90 days, once inside the country, this process simply needs to be initiated before the last 14 days of the validity period.
As the SSN application process differs slightly, depending on the method of applying, we cover how can a K-1 visa holder apply for a social security number in 2025.
How Can A K-1 Visa Holders Can Get a Social Security Number?
K-1 visa holders have several options when applying for an SSN, either with their K-1 visa application or after entering the U.S. Here, we discuss the processes for those who already have a K-1 visa.
Those who are applying for an SSN after entering the country, and applying independently of other visa-related applications, would simply go to the nearest Social Security Administration (SSA) office. Otherise, the application would need to be done simultaneously with an Application for Employment Authorization (Form I-765) or Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form I-485). These two forms are to be filed with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), online or by mail.
In either case, there is no fee associated with applying for an SSN.
How To Apply for aSocial Security Number As K-1 Visa Holder?
K-1 visa holders are permitted to apply for a Social Security card before getting married – as marriage to a U.S. citizen is not required in order to receive an SSN.
As such, K-1 visa applicants who didn’t previously request an SSN, and who aren’t applying alongside a work permit or Adjustment of Status (AOS) application, will be required to visit an SSA office in person.
The following are the basic steps in applying for an SSN on a K-1 fiancé(e) visa:
- Wait until two weeks after arriving to the U.S. before applying for an SSN
- Use the Social Security Office Locator to find the closest SSA office
- Gather all original documents and/or certified copies (listed below)
- Go to the selected SSA office with all application-related documents
The documents needed for applying for an SSN apart from other applications are as follows:
- Passport with original K-1 visa
- Arrival-Departure Record (Form I-94)
- Original birth certificate
- A completed Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5)
- The permanent address where the SSN card should be mailed
The reason for waiting two weeks after entering the country is so that the governmental system – Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) – has been updated with the visa holder’s immigration status, along with which benefits they are entitled to receive.
It is important to note, having an SSN does not serve as employment authorization in any way.
How To Apply for an Social Security Number with Form I-765 or Form I-485?
When applying for an SSN while applying for employment authorization or an AOS, applicants can simply mark the box for an SSN on either application. Let’s have a look at what the questions look like on both forms.
Question number 14 on Form I-765 asks, “Do you want the SSA to issue you a Social Security Card? (You must also answer “Yes” to Item Number 15., Consent for Disclosure, to receive a card.) In which case the applicant will mark “Yes” on both 14 and 15, and then provide the information requested in 16.a through 17.b.
Conversely, number 16 on Form I-485 asks the same question. Here, the applicant will mark “Yes” on 16 and 17.
Social Security cards are typically mailed to the recipient within seven business days of him or her receiving their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card from the USCIS. This also means K-1 visa holders do not need to go to the SSA office. Neither to apply, nor to pick up their card.
As previously mentioned, an SSN application must be submitted within the foreign fiancé’s(e’s) 90-day stay, before their K-1 visa expires. The latest time would be prior to two weeks before their stay expires. If an SSN application is submitted within the last 14 days of the total 90-day stay, their application will be rejected by the SSA. Resulting in the applicant not receiving an SSN at that point. Therefore, it is highly suggested to apply as quickly as possible after two weeks of entering the country. Otherwise, he or she will have to wait to apply again.
Since there technically isn’t a need for an SSN before being able to legally work in the U.S., many K-1 visa holders elect to apply after they have gotten married.
Before applying for a social security number, make sure to check out our blog explaining the K-1 visa in more detail in 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I don't apply for an SSN within my 90-day K-1 visa period?
If you miss the application window, you'll need to wait until you file for Adjustment of Status and receive your work permit. At that point, you can apply for an SSN with your EAD card as proof of work authorization.
Do I need an SSN for activities other than employment?
An SSN is useful for opening bank accounts, establishing credit, filing taxes, and accessing certain government services. While some institutions offer alternatives for non-SSN holders, having one simplifies many financial processes in the U.S.
How long does it take to receive an SSN after applying?
When applying at an SSA office, processing typically takes 2-3 weeks. When applying with Form I-765 or I-485, you'll receive your SSN within 7 business days after receiving your EAD card.
What should I do if there's an error on my Social Security card?
Wrapping Up Our Social Security For K-1 Visa Holder Discussion
Getting a Social Security Number as a K-1 visa holder is a straightforward process. You can complete the process yourself or at a Social Security Administration office. You could also apply for the SSN when filing Forms I-765 or I-485.
A note about when you should apply for your SSN:
applicants should wait at least two weeks after arrival to ensure their immigration status is updated in the SAVE system, but must apply before the final 14 days of their 90-day visa validity.
While there's no fee for the application and marriage isn't required beforehand, many choose to wait until after their wedding since an SSN isn't necessary for employment authorization. By understanding these requirements and planning accordingly, K-1 visa holders can efficiently navigate this important step in their transition to life in the United States.